Frontline softworks are 11 ani experienta in mediul IT si dezvolta proiecte pentru clienti din orice tara. Orice serviciu pe care il punem la dispozitie este construit folosind tehnologii de ultima generatie si strategii de promovare cu impact maxim, imbinate cu o idee de design unica si potrivita aspiratiilor dumneavoastra.
Suntem o echipa tanara de profesionisti IT, pregatiti sa realizam orice proiect pentru clientii nostri, pornind de la zero. In acelasi timp, avem propriile noastre proiecte web, mobile si desktop, la care contribuie intreaga noastra experienta de lucru cu mediul online si offline.
Here is a step by step guide to configure OpenDKIM with Postfix
on Debian 12 bookworm
We're gonna modify default configuration files to keep only minimal or required settings.
sudo apt-get install opendkim opendkim-tools
Sometimes I need to calculate a total disk usage of files older than a specified interval (days, months, years).
Here is a 1 liner to do that:
find . -type f -mtime +7 -print0 | du -hc --files0-from - | tail -n 1
If you are in a search for an email archiving solution, MailPiler is a recommend solutions.
If you didn't heard about MailPiler, check out the comparison with MailAr ...